Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Jesse James

Born June 9, 2009
7 lbs. 14 oz. 19 inches

Born at home in a peaceful water birth.


Anonymous said...

Sweet, beautiful baby boy!!!

Anonymous said...

Time to change the name of the blog!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations - He is perfect and beautiful. I'm so happy for you all.


PS - my e-mails probably show up as illusions1@qwestoffice.net. I have 3 accts in 1, and it always sends from that one now???

Anonymous said...

wow so cute staci!!!!! vry happy for you both

Christine said...

He is SO precious! What a blessing that your husband caught him!

Anonymous said...

are you serious??? 70 hours of ruptured membranes?? He didn't have an infection of any kind? Or you didn't? Wow!!

Staci said...

No infection for baby or myself. In hospital birth, infection is very common following ruptured waters because of the amount of vaginal exams they do. Home birth midwives do not do vaginal exams if your waters are broken. The first sign of infection is a fever. She had me take my temp every 4 hours following my waters breaking. At the first sign of fever/infection, I would have went to the hospital. My midwife was also taking blood pressure and fetal heart tones every 4 hours following my waters being broken.. If baby was stressed at all, his heart tones would have shown it.

Baby and I were well taken care of.
