Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Sin Of Tolerance

By: Gabriel Pearl, www.nogreaterjoy.org

Most moral boundaries are written in stone, clear to anyone who can and will see. We all know it’s wrong to smoke crack, watch MTV, or beat our wives.

But it is mostly the subtle mental corruption that mostly vexes our souls, sneaking into our minds at unguarded moments. We must constantly be on our guard with our shield of faith and the sword of truth. It’s scary. I watch my second child, born just three weeks ago, and already the gravity of life and the weight of eternity seems to be even more real than it already was.

Jocelyn, our first born, is now a little over two and a half, and Lori and I think she’s borderline genius. We’re probably the only ones who do, but she’s certainly learning quicker than we are. Everything sticks. Recently we got PBS, Public Broadcasting Service. It’s a relatively clean, commercial free, government station that comes in free over the air with a lot of nature shows and some great programs for kids, but I’ve noticed an underlying tone in some of the kids’ shows. It’s not always out front, but it’s always there. It’s like a strange worldwide conspiracy. It’s the religion of tolerance. It’s one of the things the Muslims hate so much about us. It started as a snowball, but has become an avalanche. It’s constantly smothering the flame of truth, to the point where we become a lukewarm television-preacher society, incapable of standing up in a crowd of people and declaring that there is only one God and one way to him.

I guess that is really what it boils down to. Their main agenda isn’t really freedom of choice or right to push their so-called gay lifestyle onto our children, but it is the slow, persistent neutering of the truth that almost makes it unrecognizable. Fellow Christians, the world would like nothing better than for us to feel guilty about boldly standing up and saying that God is the only God and that He hates sin and is not tolerant of it. We are strangers and pilgrims in this world, but clearly not of it, so let’s guard our minds from the world’s influence, especially the developing minds of our children.


Anonymous said...

That's good stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

PBS is not a "government" station. PBS is an association of 354 local, non-commercial, educational stations whose financial support comes overwhelmingly from the American public on a voluntary basis. (The federal government contributes between 13-17 percent per year, much of it for facilities and all of it on a matching basis with local communities.) The programming is viewed by 87 million Americans per week. Each station is controlled and operated by a local/state Board of Directors and its programming is controlled by the local program director. There is no requirement to broadcast any program at any time unless the local station chooses to do so. You, as an American citizen, have the right to go to the local station and inspect the station's public files which are extensive and concern the operation, funding and management of the station and its programming. Do not make assumptions about the vagaries of your impressions unless you know what you are writing about. Per the 8th commandment, it is unchristian to do so.

Staci said...

I did not write the article, I cited the author clearly under the title. You may address your opinions and issues with him.
Perhaps you should pay attention to such details before criticise me, and before you quote scripture at someone.. (like you said: unless you know what you are writing about..)
